Community of Artisans

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Native Businesses

Native & Local

of Artisans

By supporting Native artisans and Native businesses you are supporting Native communities at the local level. Investing in Native Businesses directly impacts artisans, their loved ones, and their tribe, providing resources and time to care for both land and people.

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At Buy Native
we are working toward


Funneling resources back to our community.


Investing in sustainable infrastructure on our land and for our community.


Promoting appropriate and genuine channels to buy Native art and creations


Buying Native means you are supporting Native Artists and Artisans directly, helping preserve Native cultural creation, designs and history. By choosing to Buy Native you are helping us break down systemic financial inequality and helping our communities build a more promising present and future.

Your money goes directly to each business/artist/artisan/community.
Buy Native is simply a platform to help everyone find ways to directly support Native people and Tribes.

We understand not everyone can purchase items to support Native businesses. We encourage you to share this website and platform to help us spread the word about Native businesses. You become a part of a network supporting Native businesses, creating relational connections that widen the circle of those who can partner and support our Native communities.

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