Mari in the Sky LLC
"Inspired by our natural environment, Mariza explores issues of mental health and self-love with hopes of advocating care for our planet and ourselves so that collectively we may experience our full potential."

Mariza Ryce Aparicio-Tovar
"I am a nature-inspired illustrator, creating hand-drawn tarot and oracle decks filled with imagery influenced by life in remote Alaska. My work is touched throughout by my indigenous spirituality. I hope to inspire connection with our natural environment so that we may feel supported by it and also responsible for its well being."
Mari in the Sky LLC
"Inspired by our natural environment, Mariza explores issues of mental health and self-love with hopes of advocating care for our planet and ourselves so that collectively we may experience our full potential."
About the Business
"I strongly believe that our mental health is very much influenced by our connection or lack of connection with our ecosystem. My work attempts to bridge the gap and remind us of the power and love found here."